10 Quotes & Sayings By Usain Bolt

Usain St. Leo Bolt, OJ, MBE, DMS , is a Jamaican sprinter. He is the first person to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records since they were first established in 1983. His achievements include three Olympic gold medals, a record six World Championships gold medals, and eleven consecutive World Championship titles between 2009 and 2016 Read more

He has broken the world record in the 100 m sprint on three occasions: most recently in 2009. Bolt has also broken the world record in the 4 x 100 metres relay on three different occasions: most recently in 2011.

I work hard, and I do good, and I’m going to enjoy myself. I’m not going to let you restrict me. Usain Bolt
Thankfully, Coach had taught me a way of embracing the pain. He called that overwhelming rust of hurt 'The Moment of No Return', a point of pure agony when the body told an athlete to quit, to rest, because the pain was so damn tough. It was a tipping point. He reckoned that if an athlete dropped in The Moment, then all the pain that went before it was pointless, the muscles wouldn't increase their current strength. But if he could work through the pinch and run another two reps, maybe 3, them the body would physically improve in that time, and that was when an athlete grew stronger. Usain Bolt
In track years... track is not like other sports. You do have track athletes that stay in this sport until, like, 35, 36, but I think when you get to 28, it's really difficult. Usain Bolt
You do not want to get married at 22! Especially if you're famous, because girls are going to be throwing themselves at you. Usain Bolt
Manners is the key thing. Say, for instance, when you're growing up, you're walking down the street, you've got to tell everybody good morning. Everybody. You can't pass one person. Usain Bolt
A lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time. Usain Bolt
When people see your personality come out, they feel so good, like they actually know who you are. Usain Bolt
I don't know the history of my sport. I'm not like those people who know everything. Usain Bolt
I'd like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me. Usain Bolt